Neighbourhood Plan Pre Submission Consultation

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The West Bedlington Neighbourhood Plan will guide development in the town to 2036.  The town council has been working to develop the plan, informed by community feedback and has now reached the stage where your views are needed on the policies and proposals in the draft plan.

The plan includes a vision for West Bedlington.  This highlights the importance of protecting the heritage and environment of the area as well as supporting employment opportunities and the provision of services and facilities.  The plan is structured around four key objectives of: quality of life; community well-being; local economy; and accessibility.

Draft policies are included on a number of issues including: design, where development should be located, supporting economic development, the provision of affordable housing as well as supporting the enhancement of community services and facilities.  It also identifies land that should be protected from development, for example it looks to protect almost 50 sites as important open spaces.

The town council would like to hear your views on the draft plan before it is submitted for independent examination.  If the plan passes examination, it will be subject to a referendum where residents of West Bedlington will be able to vote on whether or not to accept the plan.

You can find out more information in the following ways:

The closing date for comments is noon on Wednesday 7 April 2021.

To view details of the plan click here

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